Saturday, December 17, 2005



n 1: the representation of what is perceived; basic component in the formation of a concept [syn: percept, perceptual experience] 2: a way of conceiving something; "Luther had a new perception of the Bible" 3: the process of perceiving 4: knowledge gained by perceiving; "a man admired for the depth of his perception" 5: becoming aware of something via the senses [syn: sensing]

Perception is like a snowflake. It's the way we see the world, the things in it, each other...everything. And it's different for everyone. This difference can be stimulating and exciting - it's always interesting to see the world from someone else's point of view - but it can also be destructive. Perception is the building block of every relationship. Your own perception determines how you see others; even as you pass people on the street, you divide them into categories: appealing, not appealing, no comment. When you perceive someone as "appealing" it can lead to a new friendship or romantic relationship if they also perceive you as appealing. Then, your perception of each other and the world around you, the things you experience together, all effect your interaction with each other, which is then in turn filtered through your individual perceptions, which change and grow based on your experiences and the cycle continues. We're often attracted to people who have had different experiences and therefore different perceptions than ourselves. These people offer us a new look at life, and a chance to widen our own perception. But when two people who are too far on opposite ends of the spectrum about too many things team up, communication can get complicated. Everything gets misunderstood and misread. Insecurity, sensitivity, frustration and over-thinking take over and everything can fall apart...and you long for the days when your untainted perception of each other was still full of love and possibility.


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