"write a real blog"
but. i haven't felt like writing anything lately. so. a "real" blog would be what, some sort of written account of something happening in my life, filtered through the reflection of my mind. well as a compromise, here's a relfection of my life:
this was the tone of my thoughts friday night:
"Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness"
I have no idea what will come of that encounter, but, i'm glad i had it.
this is what i'm reading:
"Her kiss was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. He felt his body shaking. For anyone else, it was one thing, but for him it wasn't so easy because this man believed - and had believed for as long as he could remember - that part of him was made of glass. He imagined a wrong move in which he fell and shattered in front of her. He pulled away, even though he didn't want to. He smiled at Alma's feet, hoping she'd understand. They talked for hours.....He ran his fingers down her spine over her thin blouse, and for a moment he forgot the danger he was in, grateful for the world which purposefully puts divisions in place so that we can overcome them, feeling the joy of getting closer, even if deep down we can never forget the sadness of our insurmountable differences. Before he knew it, he was shaking violently. He seized his muscles to try to stop. Alma felt his hesitation. She leaned back and looked at him with something like hurt, and then he almost but didn't say the two sentences he'd been meaning to say for years: 'Part of me is made of glass' and also, 'I love you'."
it's a good book. i'm enjoying it. thanks melis.
this is what (but one of the many things) i'm working on:

the chair thing always looks like fun. i share two beliefs with the jews. maybe they'll let me be one long enough to do the chair thing.
this is how much space is left on my drive:
this is not a good thing.
and now i'm hungry. so that's it.
but. i haven't felt like writing anything lately. so. a "real" blog would be what, some sort of written account of something happening in my life, filtered through the reflection of my mind. well as a compromise, here's a relfection of my life:
this was the tone of my thoughts friday night:
"Drive until you lose the road
Or break with the ones you've followed
He will do one of two things
He will admit to everything
Or he'll say he's just not the same
And you'll begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness"
I have no idea what will come of that encounter, but, i'm glad i had it.
this is what i'm reading:
"Her kiss was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering. He felt his body shaking. For anyone else, it was one thing, but for him it wasn't so easy because this man believed - and had believed for as long as he could remember - that part of him was made of glass. He imagined a wrong move in which he fell and shattered in front of her. He pulled away, even though he didn't want to. He smiled at Alma's feet, hoping she'd understand. They talked for hours.....He ran his fingers down her spine over her thin blouse, and for a moment he forgot the danger he was in, grateful for the world which purposefully puts divisions in place so that we can overcome them, feeling the joy of getting closer, even if deep down we can never forget the sadness of our insurmountable differences. Before he knew it, he was shaking violently. He seized his muscles to try to stop. Alma felt his hesitation. She leaned back and looked at him with something like hurt, and then he almost but didn't say the two sentences he'd been meaning to say for years: 'Part of me is made of glass' and also, 'I love you'."
it's a good book. i'm enjoying it. thanks melis.
this is what (but one of the many things) i'm working on:

the chair thing always looks like fun. i share two beliefs with the jews. maybe they'll let me be one long enough to do the chair thing.
this is how much space is left on my drive:
this is not a good thing.
and now i'm hungry. so that's it.
I wondered why I came too. I couldn't quite explain it. I don't know what I was hoping to achieve. And then I wasn't shooting for anything, just enjoying that it was as easy as it was. It felt good. And nothing was resolved, but at the same time it helped. I don't want to have this undiscussed animosity towards you. And sometimes I wish you'd just say it in your own words, b/c others' leave too much room for interpretation. I wish you were coming this weekend.
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