Tuesday, June 13, 2006


now that rhiannon is "unemployed" again, (at least for today) i have someone to entertain me all day, which is good, b/c it's slow...

R: or even just a frame from pic hour
M: i like the kissing, b/c it doesn't show all of their faces, which i think is good
R: ok
M: and it's cute, makes people think of happy things
M: u want them thinking happy when they look at our stuff
M: and sex sells my friend
M: sex sells
R: ha
R:i want sex
R: oh sorry
M: lol
R: i'm back on track
M: haha
R: got distracted
M: i saw
M: it happens
M: i do that all day

M: that's only a few clips too...
R: i block these things out
M: there's like 5 more couples...
M: some of them were pretty good
R: i wanna get married
R: sorry got distracted again
M: lol
M: yeah, i actually think about that stuff now
M: weird for me
M: but i look at all these stupid weddings and take little notes in my head and find myself thinking about my own wedding stuff, at odd moments
R: yeah. and exactly what I'm NOT gonna do at my wedding mostly
M: hehe
M: yes
R: like "oh god, that's so tacky!"
M: i think that's why i like the "lj"
R: theirs was pretty classy actually
M: and "michelle" weddings the best
M: well, michelle's was tacky, but they're cute
M: so i'd want to take their drunken making out ness
M: and throw it into lj wedding
R: you just wanna make out
R: again
M: yes
R: right now
M: probably
M: shhh
M: don't get me started
M: ugh...damn you....too late
R: sorry
R: no i'm not
R: you know you can enable "background encoding" in DVD STudio pro right?


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