Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Production meeting quote of the day

Today's quote of the day was sponsored and overheard by Matty.
Some necessary background:

At the end of every show, our ever so charming host says the same stupid (and untrue) line she made up, that goes something like this:

" mind is always open, my door is never closed and there'll always be room for you at my table"

So, in the production meeting today, Cathy is referencing this Naomism for whatever reason:

Cathy(executive producer):.....and my table is always open...
Joyce (producer): No, it's "and my legs are always open"

Apparently, much laughter ensued.

And that, is why the 9th floor is way cooler than the 8th floor (with the exception of Annie, our honorary 9th floor member).


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