Thursday, June 01, 2006

cut and paste

From this week's Savage Love:

"Q. I'm 20 and have been in a relationship for two years. My girlfriend doesn't want me going out with my friends. If I'm not at work or school, she thinks my time should be devoted to her. But sometimes I want to do other things. I can't bring myself to tell her off because it would hurt her. I've restricted going out with friends to once or twice a month, but she still makes scenes. She even gets upset when I send them text messages. I love her but I don't think this should continue. Maybe it's my fault for making her dependent on me emotionally. I'm her only friend and she doesn't have anyone to tell things to. -Wanting Time For Myself

A. Break. Up. With. The. Bitch. A romantic partner who attempts to isolate you from your friends, you can't even text them? is an abuser, WTFM. Your girlfriend can reasonably expect to be your top priority, but she can't demand all your time. Men who attempt to isolate their female partners frequently use threats of physical violence or actual violence to get their way, making it easy for the world to see them for what they are: abusers. When women pull the same crap on men it usually involves emotional manipulation - like, say, convincing the guy that he's her only friend or getting him to blame himself for making her so emotionally dependent on him and it can be harder to recognize the behavior as abusive. But abuse it is, and the longer you let her get away with it the worse it's going to get. DTMFA. "

eerily familiar. DTMFA i did.

(for the non-savage love readers out there: DTMFA= dump the motherfucker already)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maria...if ur reading this...we're saying ur a cunt

3:55 PM  

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