Send Rosie
Yesterday, I read this really amusing quote from (of all people) Rosie O'Donnell, in reference to Naomi Campbell:
"I think for all the people that she's beaten up, I think she needs a big 200 pound lesbian to kick her ass."
I love how Rosie has grown from the koosh ball flinging, Tom Cruise gushing, 'i'm gonna pretend i'm not gay even though it's blatantly obvious that i'm a huge dyke', family friendly talk show host, into that inner huge dyke. I love it. And I'd pay to see her kick Naomi Campbell's ass. When she's done with her, she can throw those 200 pounds the Popes way:
hypocritical bastards
here are a few quotes in case u don't feel like actually reading the whole article (which is titled "Pope Uses Easter to Attack Gay Families"):
"the world is in the grip of a diabolical pride aimed at eliminating the family"
"Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a senseless cult of Satan, a mindless desire for transgression, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication."
Here is Matt and I's conversation RE:the article:
Me: i hope one of those huge expensive decorative crosses in the Vatican falls on him and squishes him like a bug
Matty: how bout a nice impaling
Me: that'd be good too
Matty: he's like some old man on the subway sermonizing..i really couldn;t care less
Me: yeah, but lots of other idiots listen to him
Matty: or pretend to
Which, makes my other point. The Pope also speaks against masturbation, sex before marriage, adultery, birth control...but you don't see people freaking out about that, or even really paying attention to any of it. But they get all riled up when ever something gay comes up. Hypocrites.
"I think for all the people that she's beaten up, I think she needs a big 200 pound lesbian to kick her ass."
I love how Rosie has grown from the koosh ball flinging, Tom Cruise gushing, 'i'm gonna pretend i'm not gay even though it's blatantly obvious that i'm a huge dyke', family friendly talk show host, into that inner huge dyke. I love it. And I'd pay to see her kick Naomi Campbell's ass. When she's done with her, she can throw those 200 pounds the Popes way:
hypocritical bastards
here are a few quotes in case u don't feel like actually reading the whole article (which is titled "Pope Uses Easter to Attack Gay Families"):
"the world is in the grip of a diabolical pride aimed at eliminating the family"
"Today a slick campaign of propaganda is spreading an inane apologia of evil, a senseless cult of Satan, a mindless desire for transgression, a dishonest and frivolous freedom, exalting impulsiveness, immorality and selfishness as if they were new heights of sophistication."
Here is Matt and I's conversation RE:the article:
Me: i hope one of those huge expensive decorative crosses in the Vatican falls on him and squishes him like a bug
Matty: how bout a nice impaling
Me: that'd be good too
Matty: he's like some old man on the subway sermonizing..i really couldn;t care less
Me: yeah, but lots of other idiots listen to him
Matty: or pretend to
Which, makes my other point. The Pope also speaks against masturbation, sex before marriage, adultery, birth control...but you don't see people freaking out about that, or even really paying attention to any of it. But they get all riled up when ever something gay comes up. Hypocrites.
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