Sunday, February 05, 2006

random 4 and a half

Hung over. At work. Always fun for a Sunday afternoon. And I don't know if was hanging out w/a bunch of gay boys last night or if it's the hang over talking, but for some reason I'm really into George Michael today..."All we have to see, is that I don't belong to you, and you don't belong to me, freedom, you've gotta give for what you take"...brilliant. Last night was much fun, chatting w/Matty about everything past, present and future. In the process of moving he found this sheet of paper, from spring break freshman year, on which we had kept track of the random funny quotes that came out of our mouths in various forms of intoxication. (Most of these, are from the one and only night I did a "real" drug) A few of my favorites:

"Do you ever just walk around with one contact in?" -Me, high as a kite

"I'm getting in the shower. We're all getting in the shower." -Me (we did not all get in the shower btw...)

"I'm a fucked up psycho ostrich" - Sean (aka Seanie O'Hara - and random side note on Sean, this is all so weird...keep in mind I haven't talked to this kid in like 4 years....I thought I saw someone that looked like him yesterday morning, then Matty found these quotes from our spring break when we were all still good friends, and then on the way home, I actually saw Sean. We walked passed each other, and he either didn't see me, or pretended he didn't, and I was too drunk and surprised to actually see him, after talking about him and about not seeing him for 4 years, that I just continued to stumble on my way)

"Linking arms and doing drugs" - Sean

"The secret song dance!" - Matty and V (and I think that they may have actually been doing the dance at that point)

"You're the sausage" - Matt

"No one can take on the Fantastic Four [us, at that time] in go karts" - Sean

"Women go out and get jobs and forget how to close the fucking fridge" - Matt

"Drinking makes me feel all sexual. I like feeling sexual." - Me (apparently, six years later, I still feel this way...)

There are a million other things I feel like writing about, but my thoughts are all jumbled and falling into each other today. Other than having to work so much, it was a great weekend, which hopefully I can squeeze a few more hours out of if I can get out of here [my office] soon.


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