Friday, March 17, 2006

blog #4

As promised...only I'm home now...finally...and so so tired. But it's all good, b/c now I can do what I wanted to do all day: smoke, work on my script/characters a little, and go to bed and build my dreams. The first time I smoked with Matt, as I was leaving to go back to my room, he told me to build my dreams. I told him he needed to explain. He said that when he smokes before sleeping, he lays in that half asleep/half awake place and can control, or build, his dreams. And it's true, I tried it that night and it was awesome. That, is some of the best advice I've ever gotten, b/c even though he probably didn't mean it on any kind of deeper level at the time, it still applies. I've been building my dreams, first in my head, and then in reality since I was a little kid. So far, it's been going pretty well. I haven't tried to build my sleeping dreams high in a while. But tonight seems like a good night for it. Building my dreams in my head, will help me build my dreams in reality.

One final quote of the day, which I can't believe I forgot about until now:

I walk into work this morning to find a box of tapes, cc'd masters back from Hallmark, sitting on my chair.

Me: Doesn't this go up to Greg?
Lisa: No! (she's not his biggest fan...not this week at least...) We need to find a very safe place to keep those.

I look around the already over crowded office.

Me: Where the hell is that going to be?
Lisa: Under your desk...they'll have to get through your legs to get to them....haha

I love that we have the same sense of humor. She also said that she thinks she should just become a lesbian today. Apparently the whole post-divorce dating thing still isn't going her way....


Blogger invisible dreams said...

Babe, you were supposed to be available when I called after my "date." Now I know what you were up to. :)

1:11 AM  
Blogger ath said...

I know! i'm sorry....I was very much asleep when you called...haha

10:48 AM  

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