Thursday, April 06, 2006

French Kids Have Cool Pants

Didn't even leave my house this morning until 9:20 after spending an hour impudently hitting the snooze button knowing full well how late I was. Sleep always wins in the end...but if I hadn't slept so late I wouldn't have shared a train with about 30 French kids who all had the coolest clothes ever. Being surrounded by people speaking a language I don't understand while wearing awesome pants made me nostalgic for Europe. They had the coolest Pumas in Switzerland....I'd so rather be on that hill on La Pietra, with Al and Bryce, drinking latte's from the cafe/snack place on campus and chain smoking, talking about Michelangelo (Bryce's obsession), playing the movie game, and hiding from the professor who's class I was supposed to be in, going home to nap and drink 2.50 euro bottles of wine from the corner store, not paying for the bus into the center of the city, keeping a lookout for the tkt checker people, ready to jump out the back or play the "i'm not from here, i didn't know i had to validate it" game, wandering through the San Lorenzo market, cracking incredibly inappropriate jokes about baby Jesus with Al on museum trips, smoking everywhere...ahh...oh well, some day...

I have a backlog of quotes of the day, which I will now try to remember...sadly, most of them are probably lost in my overfilled head...i need to start carrying a pad, or a tape recorder or something...umm, ok, here we go:

matty on relationship advice for annie -
Matty: "He can't fuck and he got pudgy!"

during the in-depth conversation about the pros and cons (ha, cons...get it annie?) of annie's former (and semi-former) lovers -
Annie: "Shutes was a sharp shooter"
(or something like that, whatever, it was really funny)

Sabrina: "I'm a hands on learner. Especially when my hands are on you."

An undisclosed co-worker after taking some sort of nasal spray anti-histamines: "Ugh, the drip tastes like doing coke all over again"

Melis: "Iris and I were talking about how I don't like the word boob."
Me: "Um..ok."
Melis: "Well, I like tit better"
Me: "Of course you like the more vulgar sounding one better, that makes sense."
Melis: "No, it's what they say in London"
Me: "So the Brits saying it with accents somehow makes it classier than boob?"
Melis: "Exactly"

After our hair keeps getting in the way at inopportune moments -
Sabrina: "I wonder if this is why lesbians have short hair"

that's all i got. there were a lot more. but now they're just fragments of memories of laughter.
it's almost lunch time tho, where new quotes of the day will be born.

i've had the desire to be home, high, all morning. my girlfriend is picking up where matt left off and turning me into a pot head. hehe. it's fun.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

i pass the baton with pride...

12:52 PM  
Blogger invisible dreams said...

I think I prefer boobs.

11:34 PM  
Blogger ath said...

haha, and the debate rages on....

11:40 PM  

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