Tuesday, April 18, 2006

my office nemesis

doesn't even really work in the office. she comes in on occasion to screen tapes and do whatever the hell it is she does (which considering annie's many complaints that she's doing her job for her, i presume isn't much). she has the most annoying personality, voice, demeanor EVER. and if she sends me one more email today....

i ignored the first 3 of her emails today. this was not being irresponsible as it may seem, b/c i was actually in the middle of responding to #2 when my boss told me not to. she is also not her biggest fan. when #5 came, i told Lisa i had to respond, just to make her go away. i love finding that fine line of of "professionally" telling someone to fuck off, with short, thinly veiled irritation via email. so far (15min or so) it's working.

maybe i can sic Rosie O'Donnell on her too...


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