Friday, April 21, 2006

random day

I hate when I go through these insomnia cycles, they render my brain completely useless after 4:00. It also didn't help that I was woken up at 7am this morning (a whole hour and a half before I even had to pretend to start waking up) by loud banging on my fire escape. I was too tired for it to scare the crap out of me like it would have any other time...I was just confused...and then I remembered that they're doing construction on my building, and apparently 7am was when they decided to scrape and bang the old paint off my fire escape, on the step directly outside my bedroom window actually, with a large metal object. fun.

Madison, my bosses 3yr old, and one of the cutest little kids in the world, came into work today. It's funny how little kids are like a more honest version of adults. Maddy came in all socially awkward and shy (her 7 yr old sister was the same way last week), and an hour later she's my best friend and doesn't want to go get lunch w/her mom b/c she's hanging out w/me. Jen and I took a 15min break to color with her. I forgot how calming coloring is. It's like kiddie meditation. I'm so buying everyone I know a coloring book and telling them to take a 15min coloring break everyday, seriously, it'll totally change your mood. It was nice to be in a 3yr old mentality for just a few minutes. Maddy's hardest decision today was what crayon to pick and her biggest challenge is learning how to tie the new pink and white sketchers she got today. I'm jealous.

I decided I need a more formidable office nemesis. After I gleefully sent a patronizingly over detailed email about the tapes I made for her, laced with a few sarcastic comments at the end, I felt much better about her today. The email had my boss maliciously cracking up when she read it (it's all about CC'ing), but my nemesis’s response was well below satisfactory. She's just an annoying whiny bitch, and that's no fun at all. At least Lisa's nemesi (half the office) will spar with her a little. I need a new one. Annie's girl has potential...she's just downright bitchy...

Quote of the day:

there was a quote of the day, and it was funny too...but i don't remember it i said, these phases of insomnia i go through render my brain totally useless from like 4-10pm. the anonymous person who said the quote knows who they are and what it is, so email it to me ok? thanks ;)


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