Thursday, August 24, 2006

ah Maui

Last night in Maui….sigh…..This time tomorrow I’ll be boarding a plane for the longest flight EVER, back home. Been a week of lots of waves, lots of sun, one wardrobe malfunction performed by me and a particularly aggressive wave haha, 2 mountains, one volcano, waterfalls (both in the pool and in nature), some of the most amazing landscapes/coastlines I’ve ever seen, crater 96, alice cooper dj-ing on the radio, a rainforest, the road to Hana, cows in the middle of the road, a beach with more dick than I ever needed to see in a lifetime (so glad I’m gay…), suffers, hippies, the random naked thrice divorced liberal drifter who showed us Hitchcock’s head in the side of a small island, ugly naked dancing guy who became ugly naked dancing guy playing a guitar, sunburn, lots of after ocean lotion, apple bananas, Mary the (sorta homeless?) crazy Jesus girl we drove home (to her half built house of surfboards on 4 acres of land?) with the puppy, the juice girl (I think I want her life), Tye (his possible name) who can apparently “climb the trees like a monkey” to get the coconuts down and sell them next to a waterfall in the middle of the rainforest, water slides, jet skis (my new favorite mode of transportation, bounce-flying over the tops of the waves, spinning in 8’s, is an amazing fun release, I want one), bike rides, baby crabs in holes in the sand, Maui Mists (my new favorite drink, yum), Botero all over the lobby…awesome, straws in coconuts, sugar cane juice, the most amazing sunset I’ve ever seen in my life as we drove above the cloud cover….fucking surreal…

“Minds will wonder
to wonderous places
So why would you care
to get out of this place
you and me and all our friends
such a happy human race
Eat drink and be merry
For tomorrow we die”


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