Monday, January 01, 2007

I Don’t Make Resolutions

This year has been good to me, a huge huge improvement on the previous one. It also flew by, the way that time does when you’re not paying attention.

It was a year of restoration. Coming back around to myself again after being so gone, for so long. Realizing how I’ve changed and grown, how everything has a slightly different color, rectifying the past with the present. Putting myself back together again stronger than I was before, stronger than I’d ever thought I could or have to be. Learning. There is a certain power that comes with coming back. Taking control of my life back and knowing that it’s not something I should ever have to give up for anyone. Knowing now, that I will never be that lost again. I had faced some of my deepest fears, fucking wrestled with them, and won.

Finding ways to make my insatiable need to push and prove myself work in my favor. And finding the confidence to need to prove less and just push more.

Learning what I truly want, what I need, what really matters and what doesn’t, where I want to set my boundaries. I surprised myself a lot this year, when I realized how much I’ve grown up.

The year ahead of me is filled with promise and possibility.

Last year, I told Rhiannon that this would be our year. Her Christmas card to me this year: “You were right about this year! And I think it’ll be even more true for next year”. I agree, and I hope.


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