Apparently I'm in a blogging frenzy tonight. After a great day with my family, I'm spending tonight much like last night (working) but this time with a bottle of wine. I don't know if it's the wine, or the z100 live from Webster Hall I've got going in the background, but I kind of feel like going out. This is monumental. Not b/c I never go out. I do, and I used to, a lot (that's how I blew my savings in college, in retrospect, it's not the best idea to let an 18yr old loose in this city for their first real taste of freedom...it gets expensive...but it was all worth it.) This is monumental because it's the first time I've been in this good a mood and felt like going out since "the break up". This is either a very good sign, or (as my therapist suggested last week) I'm not letting myself feel my sadness. This mood feels pretty organic tho, not forced, so I'm going with the "good sign" option.
I'm also getting a bit nostalgic. Especially for Italy and my Florence girls right now. I've been missing it like crazy lately, maybe just b/c I need a vacation, but tonight they're playing songs that we danced to there (at our infamous - at least among our circle - drunken dinner dance parties at our adorable apartment.) and at Dulce and what ever the name of that other place was...I also just spoke with the girl I consider to be my "platonic life partner". She was my roommate in Florence, and after just the first few weeks there we cemented a life long friendship. She was my roommate for the next two years and then she graduated from college and went back to California and I miss her like crazy. She's like the sister I never had (I have a theory that only children are constantly looking for someone to fill that role in their lives, do you concur Annie?). I spoke with her tonight, but not nearly long enough b/c she has a boy over (rock it Al!) and that's all good, but I still miss her. And Al, when you get around to reading this after your debaucherous weekend, I'm officially inviting you to do a guest post on your theory of time...that whole thing is starting to make more sense to me now.
Back to work now...drunk(ish) posting can be dangerous....
I'm also getting a bit nostalgic. Especially for Italy and my Florence girls right now. I've been missing it like crazy lately, maybe just b/c I need a vacation, but tonight they're playing songs that we danced to there (at our infamous - at least among our circle - drunken dinner dance parties at our adorable apartment.) and at Dulce and what ever the name of that other place was...I also just spoke with the girl I consider to be my "platonic life partner". She was my roommate in Florence, and after just the first few weeks there we cemented a life long friendship. She was my roommate for the next two years and then she graduated from college and went back to California and I miss her like crazy. She's like the sister I never had (I have a theory that only children are constantly looking for someone to fill that role in their lives, do you concur Annie?). I spoke with her tonight, but not nearly long enough b/c she has a boy over (rock it Al!) and that's all good, but I still miss her. And Al, when you get around to reading this after your debaucherous weekend, I'm officially inviting you to do a guest post on your theory of time...that whole thing is starting to make more sense to me now.
Back to work now...drunk(ish) posting can be dangerous....
[I'd just like to throw a little 'you go girl' to Alex for the boy. :)]
I also figured I should take some time to comment on my best friend's blog because, well, she's my best friend '4eva'. And it's pretty cool to get to read her blog because I don't always get to hear that side of her during our conversations of fruit and black vans, etc. Actually, I guess we kind of do talk about the sort of stuff she blogs about, but it's nice not to see my random interruptions scatterred throughout. Love you babe, gold star. And potentially a sex star if I ever figure out what that means.
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