Thursday, January 19, 2006

sleep continues to elude me

Once again, I should be sleeping. Too much to do and not enough time to do it all in. You'd think I'd be use to it by now. Actually, I am. But right now I actually want to put the work away, stop thinking about the best design for my up and coming web site and new dvd, stop thinking about character motovation and plot points, stop thinking about the right song for that montage, the right cut for that beat...and just finally sleep and it's just not happening. This is when it's good to have friends on the other side of the country where it's only 9:30 and I don't have to feel guilty about keeping someone on this coast up on the phone with me and therby making both of our work days hell tomorrow.

Coming up next: Zen And The Art of Jury Duty


Blogger invisible dreams said...

I was just so happy that all my east coast friends weren't asleep!
Sux when the latest I can talk to people is 8 or 9pm for me, since usually I can't sleep either.
Don't worry. Eventually you'll be sooo tired, you'll sleep when your brain finally needs it.

2:59 AM  

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