Tuesday, January 17, 2006

too awake for my own good

Oh my god, why can I not sleep? A few hours ago I was exhausted, waiting for the Globes to end so I could get to bed. A few conversations with a few friends later, I finally get to bed, and now I can't sleep. It's too hot, it's too cold, too soft, too hard. And none of this is actually the problem. My head is the problem. I can't get my mind to stop spinning. I guess I can't blame it, it's been a bit (ok, a lot) overloaded lately. The more you try to avoid thinking about something, the more it haunts you at night. That and all the work I've taken on right now is getting overwhelming. In reality, I know that none of it isn't anything I can't handle. Work wise, I'm used to juggling, I thrive on it. I think I just surprised myself this time by dropping some of the balls a few months back and now I'm trying to pick them back up with out losing the others in the process.

I wish I had anticipated this earlier. Now it's too late for wine, pot, or that great "simply sleep" that Tylonol makes now...any of those things will leave me way too groggy to wake up with the time span I'm working with here. I hope you don't have to be too attentive at jury duty...maybe I can claim to have narcolepsy and just get the hell out of there.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, hope you got to sleep eventually hun. Next time, give me a call, I have some great bedtime stories that I heard from someone...

9:12 AM  

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