There's Money In T-Shirts
...says Rhiannon....
Who I have the best conversations with when she's overtired. I haven't laughed this hard since our "constructive criticism" of the newscasters (and awful camera placement) of the "harrowing" live coverage of the stuck Roselvelt Island trolleys last week. (i think it was last was all so "harrowing" I've blocked it out).
Her newest idea (all in the pursuit of getting me a million dollars) is for us to sell industry specific T-shirts, and possibly stickers. Yes, that's right stickers. That's gonna be my new venture, the internet sticker boom. Apparently some woman on the last season of the Apprentice makes a million dollars a year selling stickers on the internet...that makes me question what kind of images exactly are on those stickers...but that's probably another blog entirely...
Our venture would go something like this:
Hearts full of excitement and fists full of $50 bills, the crew gathers around Rhiannon and I, examining the dazzling sticker array displayed on the inside flaps of our stylish trenchcoats. Bills and stickers fly, as we work our mad networking skillz.
US: Hello Mr. Producer guy, not only do we sell stickers, we also shoot and cut and write and direct.
PRODUCER GUY: Really? That's wonderful.
US: Here's a copy of each of our reels.
He takes the reels, purchases a set of stickers and pre-orders a shirt that says "Executive Producer" on the front and "I make 6 figures to play computer solitaire all day" on the back.
PRODUCER GUY: Are you working on anything now?
US: Yes, actually. Two narratives, one about life after college (Rhi) and a lesbian film noir (Me) and a doc.
PRODUCER GUY: Those sound great. Do you need financial support and maybe some help with distribution?
US: That'd be great.
PRODUCER GUY: Here's my card, with my direct line on the back. Let's do lunch.
Seriously Rhi, I'm glad you're my friend and my business partner. I couldn't do this with anyone else. Not many other people are as crazy as I am when it comes to coming up with entirely random ideas. Some of which actually end up working sometimes, ha. I love that we're both working on like 12 separate projects at the same time right now. And you are very very right when you say that if it was any other way, we'd be bored. I need to be juggling to be stimulated and therefore happy.
Some of this shit has to pan out at some point right?
Some day. Until then, look out for our t-shirts and stickers....coming to a set near you....
Who I have the best conversations with when she's overtired. I haven't laughed this hard since our "constructive criticism" of the newscasters (and awful camera placement) of the "harrowing" live coverage of the stuck Roselvelt Island trolleys last week. (i think it was last was all so "harrowing" I've blocked it out).
Her newest idea (all in the pursuit of getting me a million dollars) is for us to sell industry specific T-shirts, and possibly stickers. Yes, that's right stickers. That's gonna be my new venture, the internet sticker boom. Apparently some woman on the last season of the Apprentice makes a million dollars a year selling stickers on the internet...that makes me question what kind of images exactly are on those stickers...but that's probably another blog entirely...
Our venture would go something like this:
Hearts full of excitement and fists full of $50 bills, the crew gathers around Rhiannon and I, examining the dazzling sticker array displayed on the inside flaps of our stylish trenchcoats. Bills and stickers fly, as we work our mad networking skillz.
US: Hello Mr. Producer guy, not only do we sell stickers, we also shoot and cut and write and direct.
PRODUCER GUY: Really? That's wonderful.
US: Here's a copy of each of our reels.
He takes the reels, purchases a set of stickers and pre-orders a shirt that says "Executive Producer" on the front and "I make 6 figures to play computer solitaire all day" on the back.
PRODUCER GUY: Are you working on anything now?
US: Yes, actually. Two narratives, one about life after college (Rhi) and a lesbian film noir (Me) and a doc.
PRODUCER GUY: Those sound great. Do you need financial support and maybe some help with distribution?
US: That'd be great.
PRODUCER GUY: Here's my card, with my direct line on the back. Let's do lunch.
Seriously Rhi, I'm glad you're my friend and my business partner. I couldn't do this with anyone else. Not many other people are as crazy as I am when it comes to coming up with entirely random ideas. Some of which actually end up working sometimes, ha. I love that we're both working on like 12 separate projects at the same time right now. And you are very very right when you say that if it was any other way, we'd be bored. I need to be juggling to be stimulated and therefore happy.
Some of this shit has to pan out at some point right?
Some day. Until then, look out for our t-shirts and stickers....coming to a set near you....
I do get some c-razy ideas when I haven't had enough sleep.
Ditto about the friend/business partner. We make a pretty good team.
Watch out everybody... here we come. After all.. this is OUR year!
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