Tuesday, July 11, 2006


working on menus in photoshop, with the TV on in the background, and a Friends re-run comes on, and for the first time in years, for some reason, i actually listen to the lyrics of that pretty awful theme song, and realize that they reflect my life....so weird...me and melis used to be mildly obessesed with that show in jr high and now all of a sudden, i can relate to the fucking theme song lyrics ("your jobs a joke, you're broke and your love life's d.o.a....but i'll be there for you") i guess i can at least say i have pretty amazing friends....b/c they are always there for me, no matter what, as this last year has proved...they work and play with me, they always know the right thing to say, and most importantly, they always listen....which usually is all i really need.

so yeah, even tho it's incredibly lame that i had some bad theme song related revelation, thanks guys, for always being there for me.

back to photoshop...which is so not my friend right now....


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