Thursday, October 12, 2006


Of course my favorite show on TV is one that’s filled with characters with hidden pasts, a plethora of complicated theories (Matt’s two favs involve collective unconscious and parallel universes), psychological warfare and mass confusion as to what the hell is actually going on.

To me, these factors make the show more of an allegory of life than any other show I’ve seen lately. And when life gets all complex on you, at least you can say to yourself “Hey, at least I’m not stuck on some unknown island with a bunch of creepy people that keep kidnapping my friends for as yet unknown reasons along with a variety of other strange phenomena”.

They’re all on this island trying to survive and simultaneously figure out what exactly is going on and really, isn’t that what we’re all doing too?

(I never did get around to writing about the craziness that was my weekend, my last few days, leaving one job, starting another, making movies, drama woven in between it all, as always….and yeah…that sums it up well enough for me. Read Rhi’s account of her conversation with Tak on her blog for a little amusing insight into a small part of what the weekend entailed)


Blogger invisible dreams said...

I'm SO glad you (finally) wrote a new blog. Although it's not your longest silence to date, the whole me-not-having-a-job gives me this crazy hope that (even though I checked 5 min ago) maybe you will have posted something new :)

Oh and... LOST is great.

10:10 AM  

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