ah the weekend...
"The stand-alone element crescent is representative of the female and is completed with its male counterpart, represented by the floating divider. The moon is the most changeable of all celestial phenomena and represents the diverse programming offered each night for a varied local and international audience ready to experience NYC's nightlife"
This is how Element, the bar I've spent the past two Saturday nights in, describes itself. And it is a perfect way to describe the overall theme of my weekend. A balance between male and female, amidst the ever varying landscape of nyc nightlife. And for the fifth weekend in a row, yet another weird connection/piece of the past experience.
Friday night we trekked out to Brooklyn, for one of the only things that can actually get me out into a borough: the promise of a bar full of lesbians. And after an adventurous walk we found them, tucked into a bar on the edge of the water. Spending an evening surrounded by cute girls in a bar you could smoke in (!!) was well worth the trek. Before the bar, there were drinks at my apartment, where a new friend met an old friend - and this is where we get to this weekend's weird connection: My new friend is friends with (and almost brought over) my old friend's ex-boyfriend's previous ex-boyfriend. I don't know if that sentence even makes sense. But it's all really random and such an indicator of how small the world can really be. Really. The things and people that have been popping up lately, and the ways that they've been popping up in, all seem a bit improbable, and it's starting to freak me out - but in a good way.
I should have gone to work on Saturday, but decided that one day (today - Naomi is playing away in the background as we speak...) of work was enough for this weekend. Instead of work, I went and finally picked up my DVR box from Time Warner. This little box really better change my life the way everyone has been promising me it will, b/c going last minute on a weekend was a mistake. I knew I was in for a long afternoon when I walked in the door, got my number, 605, just as the loudspeaker guy called out the current number, 422. Half of Manhattan also decided that 4:00 pm on a Saturday was the perfect time to take care of what ever cable related errand they had to take care of and we all stood around together, staring each other down for the occasionally available sitting spaces. Two hours, 4 cigarettes, 5 phone calls, and 3 different sitting spaces later I finally got my turn at the desk with the to-cocky-for-someone-who-hands-out-cable-boxes-all-day-attitude frat boy kid, got my box and got the hell out of there. After all that (and the smelly old man next to me for the first hour), this DVR box better rock my world harder than Carmen in that little thong and garter belt gettup. Damn....
Then it was over to Annie's for drinks and then out with Matt for the male part of the weekend. (I owed him). After a few hours of playing wingman, dancing to house mixes of songs like "Sweet Child of Mine", and playing my new favorite game: try to tell the hot lesbians apart from the straight fag hags, it was time to go home.
It's been a pretty good weekend all in all. Looking forward to leaving work and seeing my first Richard Foreman show tonight with yet another new friend. I'm really enjoying this whole meeting new people thing. (endless possibilities, right annie? get to work on your book...i've been writing your intro in my head all week).
Moment of zen for the weekend:
This is how Element, the bar I've spent the past two Saturday nights in, describes itself. And it is a perfect way to describe the overall theme of my weekend. A balance between male and female, amidst the ever varying landscape of nyc nightlife. And for the fifth weekend in a row, yet another weird connection/piece of the past experience.
Friday night we trekked out to Brooklyn, for one of the only things that can actually get me out into a borough: the promise of a bar full of lesbians. And after an adventurous walk we found them, tucked into a bar on the edge of the water. Spending an evening surrounded by cute girls in a bar you could smoke in (!!) was well worth the trek. Before the bar, there were drinks at my apartment, where a new friend met an old friend - and this is where we get to this weekend's weird connection: My new friend is friends with (and almost brought over) my old friend's ex-boyfriend's previous ex-boyfriend. I don't know if that sentence even makes sense. But it's all really random and such an indicator of how small the world can really be. Really. The things and people that have been popping up lately, and the ways that they've been popping up in, all seem a bit improbable, and it's starting to freak me out - but in a good way.
I should have gone to work on Saturday, but decided that one day (today - Naomi is playing away in the background as we speak...) of work was enough for this weekend. Instead of work, I went and finally picked up my DVR box from Time Warner. This little box really better change my life the way everyone has been promising me it will, b/c going last minute on a weekend was a mistake. I knew I was in for a long afternoon when I walked in the door, got my number, 605, just as the loudspeaker guy called out the current number, 422. Half of Manhattan also decided that 4:00 pm on a Saturday was the perfect time to take care of what ever cable related errand they had to take care of and we all stood around together, staring each other down for the occasionally available sitting spaces. Two hours, 4 cigarettes, 5 phone calls, and 3 different sitting spaces later I finally got my turn at the desk with the to-cocky-for-someone-who-hands-out-cable-boxes-all-day-attitude frat boy kid, got my box and got the hell out of there. After all that (and the smelly old man next to me for the first hour), this DVR box better rock my world harder than Carmen in that little thong and garter belt gettup. Damn....
Then it was over to Annie's for drinks and then out with Matt for the male part of the weekend. (I owed him). After a few hours of playing wingman, dancing to house mixes of songs like "Sweet Child of Mine", and playing my new favorite game: try to tell the hot lesbians apart from the straight fag hags, it was time to go home.
It's been a pretty good weekend all in all. Looking forward to leaving work and seeing my first Richard Foreman show tonight with yet another new friend. I'm really enjoying this whole meeting new people thing. (endless possibilities, right annie? get to work on your book...i've been writing your intro in my head all week).
Moment of zen for the weekend:
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