Wednesday, July 19, 2006

quote of the day part 2

I intended to write a "real" blog but I don't really feel like it, so I'm summing it up with quotes of the day instead...til I sort the real one out enough in my head, tonight, when I'm not sleeping, so I can write it tomorrow.

Me: I always have all this stuff during the week, between therapy days, that I want to remember to talk with her about, but then I forget half of it by the time I get here. I need to write it down or something.
Matty: Well, you haven't seen her since (insert recent occurance in my life here).
Me: Oh that's right!
Matty: And you can ask her about (insert something I said to Matty the other day here).
Me: Right...
Matty: Ha, it's funny that I'm telling you-
Me: haha, I know, it's actually really helpful though, like you can keep track of the random mess in my head better than i can, more objectively...
Matty: right, well, b/c you'll tell me the things you need to get off your chest.
Me: right, and I think you can remember the important highlights better when they're not lost in the whole big mess in your own head.
Matty: Right.
Me: Ha, you're like my therapy pre-interview.

(so glad talk show lingo is working it's way into my out of work life....ha)

After I reel off a list of what I did today (and in light of what I've been up to recently):
RHI: jeez you're on a mission to change your life or something
ME: ha, that's exactly what it is


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

5:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

6:28 AM  

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