Sunday, July 16, 2006

today, i fucking rock

Rhi: yay you're back!
Me: ok, i need to sign off again in a minute...but i'm dlding a song i need, but i just needed to share with someone that i'm fucking brilliant
Me: or well, not actually
Rhi: ha
Me: b/c if i was i wouldn't have deleted shit in the first place
Me: but...i am fucking talented
Me: b/c i basically just brought it all back exactly as it was
Me: w/o time code....
Me: by fucking eye
Rhi: wow
Me: for the trialer and the behind the scenes thing
Rhi: that's what you've been doing this whole time?
Me: music and all
Me: ha yeah
Me: huge waste of time...but at least i have renewed my faith in my skills
Me: i def have them....
Rhi: :-)

While it was incredibly stupid of me to delete my avid files and my dv streams (I think I thought I had the other when I deleted the one), I totally deserve bragging rights for what I just pulled off…..I had my project files with the media offline and my source tapes, but two of them wouldn’t work, the time code was all off and corrupt so I couldn’t just batch the clips back in….I watched the only dvd copy I have of the two projects and scanned through the tapes to find the right shots, and layed them back into the sequence finding the right frames by eye….annnd since I deleted the music tracks too, and since I did some editing of those tracks, I had to re-do all that again by eye/ear too….to make the cuts match up with the sound edits…and the sound edits match up with the cuts…Rhiannon is probably the only one who can fully appreciate this….but I’m fucking proud of myself so I’m writing this anyway.

Why do I work in an office all day again?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

3:56 PM  

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