Thursday, October 25, 2007

Today's Letter is L

My last few days at CBS Interactive before my little "I'm off to cut a concert" hiatus have turned into an unsupervised L Word marathon and what a ride the last 8 hours have been. I've gone from Lust (Carmen! Oh Carmen, how I miss you on this show...seeing you again, in those little shorts...those cleavage revealing that scene where you have that whole garter get up...sigh, I can barely contain myself, which is sad, as I'm at work) to Loss (Dana is dying of cancer, it's sad. I miss her on the show too, whoever thought it was a good idea to ditch these two in the same season should be fired) and back to Lust (Carmen! Shorts! Tits! Hot!). One minute I want to be having sex and the next I'm on the verge of bawling my eyes out. I think I need a valium just to level me out.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

I want to go to Indonesia

as a result of my current cbs interactive gig, i spend a lot of time on youtube these days, doing all kinds of random searches for random bits and pieces of things to steal or be inspired by, or just to watch when i get bored. today, i stumbled across some ads made by the indonesian toursim board. and now i want to go. also, i could currently use a nap.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

the magic of astrology

my horoscopes for today/this week amuse me.

"It's a wizardly day for you if you are willing to plunge fearlessly into the darkness. Your spells and enchantments can cook up an intense feast, yet it may be difficult for you to control the menu once you begin. Don't get distracted by your own personal tastes. The real power is in being able to let go of control. If you do, you will not fail."

learning how to gracefully let go of control is something i think i'll be trying to figure out for a long time to come....

"ARIES [March 21–April 19] In the Yaghan language of Tierra del Fuego, mamihlapinatapai is a word meaning "gazing into each other's eyes, each hoping that the other will initiate something that both desire but which neither one wants to start." If I'm reading the astrological omens correctly, you've been experiencing some version of this poignant deadlock lately. It may have made sense for you to refrain from making the first move up until now, but it no longer does. Get yourself in a generous mood and provide the jump-start you've both been hesitant to try."

figured my gf would appriciate that one. haha.