Friday, July 27, 2007


ARIES (March 21-April 19): Writing in Poetry Flash, critic Rusty Morrison speculates that "the sublime can only be glimpsed by pressing through fear's boundary, beyond one's previous conceptions of the beautiful." That's a good theme for you to experiment with right now, Aries. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you're very close to making contact with splendor you'll remember all your life. (And I don't use that fancy word "splendor" lightly.) You'll need a lot of playful courage to make the boundary-crossing. But I know you can do it if you keep heading in the direction of what's scarily meaningful.

highlight of the day: watching annie get into a fight with a traffic cop

what i learned today: don't fuck with bitter traffic cops wielding the tiny bit of power they have OR annie wielding a gigantic suv.

and now it's time to get ready to drink. yay.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

what i learned today

that, if you take this medication, that cures something called "restless leg syndrom" (which, honestly sounds like it was made up by a 10 yr old) you may fall asleep while driving and have strong urges to gamble and have lots of sex. i may just be a little overtired and out of it, but i find this hysterical. my favorite drug commercial used to be the "depression hurts" series, this one however, blows those out of the water. oh pharmaceutical companies taking over the world.

Friday, July 20, 2007

harry potter day!!

today (or well, tonight, at midnight) is harry potter day, and my inner child is ecstatic. and who better to share harry potter day with than my childhood best friend. so, melis and i got our numbers for our reserved copies of the book when she got out of work and then after cosmic cantina went back to my apartment to take naps. bc while we both may still be full of inner childness, we're actually both old and tired, and can't stay up long enough to get and start reading harry potter (esp since our numbers are in the early thousands so the "getting" part prob won't happen before 1am....) w/o a nap.

now, after she gets herself unstuck from my bathroom, it's time to go back to barnes and noble to listen to the audio book dude read excerpts from the first 6, eat some cookies, wander around the harry potter world created inside the store, and wait, to get my hands on the book.

harry potter day

Monday, July 02, 2007

freelance attire

I never really bought those hanes/calvin klein/cottonthefabricofyourlife commercials where everyone is just chillin in their underwear and a t shirt until i joined the ranks of the freelancers (or the unemployed, same thing) during the summer months. sometimes, you really do just throw on underware and a t shirt after you take a shower and sit, at your desk and work like that all day.

i'm not sure if i even can edit with pants on anymore. haha.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

egotisical quote of the day

re: the first 38 integrated seconds of our music video, that i've become pretty much obsessed with working on

rhi: that;s SO awesome!!!!
rhi: you're amazing!
rhi: i love it!

haha. it is kinda cool. it's nice to remember that i'm good at this shit.